The New Age Tour Guide…

The New Age Tour Guide is geared toward those who feel caught in the in-between — living with one foot in two worlds -- sensing and seeing the world shifting in a different direction and, those actively searching for perspective to shift your awareness from struggling to manage the pace of change into becoming a sovereign soul.

Trish Murray shares conversations that inspire individuals — from soul-seekers to soulpreneurs — to step back and see more of the big picture so we can take more conscious, empowered, heart-directed actions as we all navigate a rapidly changing social, economic, political and spiritual landscape, one step at a time!

Connect with Trish

•• Start with The New Age Tour Guide

•• Shift into SOUL-preneurship with Strategy From The Heart.

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Navigate these age-changing times with focused episodes of The New Age Tour Guide podcast or explore a series of simple conversations that (re)frame what it means to steward your brand in this new age, soulfully and strategically.


Navigating the Values Shift by integrating more of my soul style.